Trying to connect using curl in google cloud instance(debian 9), returns Forbidden 403

+1 vote

I am using multichain blockchain in google cloud instance(debian 9),  trying to run multichain-web-demo. Did all the configurations needed. In the webpage it says Error: HTTP 403 Forbidden Also did try with username and password in command line using curl itself. But no luck till now.

asked Oct 9, 2017 by Nilesh Sandil

1 Answer

0 votes

First, please make sure you are using the RPC port and not the peer-to-peer port when configuring the web demo. Second, if the node and web server are running on the same computer, you should use (loop back) as the node's IP address, rather than its external-facing IP address. In the latter case you would need to set rpcallowip in the node's runtime parameters to accept API requests from the IP address of your web server.

answered Oct 9, 2017 by MultiChain