after (multichain-util create chain3) what's the next step??

+1 vote
I have created a blockchain chain3 in a linux server and I got the message:

user@linuxwebserver:~$ multichain-util create chain3

MultiChain 1.0 Utilities (protocol 10008)

Blockchain parameter set was successfully generated.
You can edit it in /home/.multichain/chain3/params.dat before running multic
haind for the first time.

To generate blockchain please run "multichaind chain3 -daemon".
Multichain software said: to generate blockchain please run "multichaind chain3 -daemon"

Question1: do we generate blockchain every time we run "multichaind chain3 -daemon" ???

Question2: it same that chain3 was created  successfully as you see above.
but why do I need to edit params.dat?

if I do not touch anything here is what I get while trying to create chain3 :

user@linuxwebserver:~$ multichain-util create chain3

MultiChain 1.0 Utilities (protocol 10008)

Blockchain parameter set was successfully generated.
You can edit it in /home/.multichain/chain3/params.dat before running multic
haind for the first time.

To generate blockchain please run "multichaind chain3 -daemon".

user@linuxwebserver:~$ multichaind chain3 -daemon

MultiChain 1.0 Daemon (protocol 10008)

MultiChain server starting
Looking for genesis block...
Genesis block found

Error: An error occurred while setting up the RPC address port 442
0 for listening: bind: Permission denied
Error: Unable to bind to on this computer (bind returned error
Permission denied (13))
Error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.

how to fix those RPC ip and port Errors.
asked Sep 8, 2017 by benwest

1 Answer

0 votes

To answer your questions as numbered:

1. The blockchain is only "generated" the first time multichaind is called for it on the first initiating node. After that the command simply connects/continues an existing blockchain.

2. You don't need to edit params.dat but you can if you want to change the default parameters. See this page:

3. This will be some kind of firewall/permissions setting on your server, which prevents the MultiChain process binding to arbitrary ports to listen for incoming connections. You'd need to consult the hosting company or system administrator to understand more about this and try to resolve it.

answered Sep 9, 2017 by MultiChain
1. and 2. OK
3. I will consult the hosting.