RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded

+1 vote


While launching the explorer using command 

python -m Mce.abe --config chain1.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve
I got the error as RPC failed:No JSON object could be decoded. See below output.
cciladm@DDR-BlockChain-POC:~/viral/multichain-explorer$ sudo python -m Mce.abe --config /home/cciladm/viral/multichain-explorer/chain1.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve
[(u'foobarbaz', u'bazfoobar')]
Assigned chain_id 1 to MultiChain chain1
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat
Chain 1 genesis tx: 01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff1904ffff00200104114d756c7469436861696e20636861696e31ffffffff0200000000000000002f76a914546aec74778e5e4152cb975487523f5f482a4d7e88ac1473706b703731000000000000ffffffff75129c59750000000000000000131073706b6e0200040101000104726f6f74756a00000000
block_tx 1 1
block_tx 2 2
block_tx 3 3
block_tx 4 4
block_tx 5 5
block_tx 6 6
block_tx 7 7
block_tx 8 8
block_tx 9 9
block_tx 10 10
block_tx 11 11
block_tx 12 12
block_tx 13 13
block_tx 14 14
block_tx 15 15
block_tx 16 16
block_tx 17 17
block_tx 18 18
block_tx 19 19
block_tx 20 20
block_tx 21 21
block_tx 22 22
block_tx 23 23
block_tx 24 24
block_tx 25 25
block_tx 26 26
block_tx 27 27
block_tx 28 28
block_tx 29 29
block_tx 30 30
block_tx 31 31

I followed all the steps given in the github.
I believe similar problem had been reported earlier as well by someone.
Please suggest what I am missing.
asked Aug 22, 2017 by vshah

1 Answer

–1 vote

You can ignore this error, which is shown for legacy reasons. Based on the block_tx lines it looks like your MultiChain Explorer is running fine.

answered Aug 22, 2017 by MultiChain
Thanks for the reply.
No, problem still persists. when I tried to see the explorer from another machine using I could not find any packets there and the page was showing no connection .... No JSON object could be decoded.

on the machine where my multichain is running following is the the screen capture

Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:11] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.9790549635362658 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:17] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.30780959605781866 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:22] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.6765535188357672 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat
No JSON object could be decoded - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2771 - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET /css/bootstrap.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 121260 - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET /css/bootstrap-theme.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 23409 - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET /js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 95957 - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET /js/bootstrap.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 36868 - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:26] "GET /logo32.png HTTP/1.1" 200 1376
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:31] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.8980927134766152 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:37] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.22491178722687244 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:41] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.2314800801989545 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:46] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.6155183755516653 HTTP/1.1" 200 84
RPC failed: No JSON object could be decoded
catch_up_rpc: abort
Opened /home/cciladm/.multichain/chain1/blocks/blk00000.dat - - [23/Aug/2017 11:26:51] "GET /MultiChain%20chain1/recent?random=0.8750165111895076 HTTP/1.1" 200 84

Please suggest, is there anything that is missing. I am stuck at this place since many days.

Thanks in advance.
The inability to view the Explorer from another server may be due to the 'host' setting in the Explorer configuration file – please check the install documentation for more information.

As for these common "RPC failed" errors, can you please check the txindex setting of your MultiChain node? You can use the getruntimeparams call to find out.