How does consensus work?

+2 votes
If you set admin-consensus-admin to 1 does that mean each admin has to manually approve the addition of the admin or just that enough admin blocks that to mine the addition of the admin?  If it's the former, is there an api call that lists the consensus permissions that need to be approved?
asked Dec 27, 2015 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, if admin-consensus-admin is 1.0 then every admin has to approve a new admin. If you call listpermissions with verbose=true then you can see permissions changes waiting to reach consensus in the pending field of the output.

answered Dec 27, 2015 by MultiChain
Can you do the same with the issuance of a new asset as well?
The next alpha will include a setting admin-consensus-issue that makes the assignment of the 'issue' permission subject to consensus between admins. But not yet the act of issuing an individual asset to be subject to consensus.