Setting up MultiChainJavaAPI

+2 votes

I am running a Java project where I want to incorporate MultiChain. I am trying to use MultiChainJavaAPI and I am not sure how I can include that in my original project as a dependency?

Should it even be included or should it run on its own?

Apologies if this question seems trivial to some, I am a complete noob to this
asked Jul 7, 2017 by doldy101

1 Answer

+1 vote

I don't know if you still need the answer, but here's an answer :

First, you have to import MultiChainJavaAPI in your own IDE, you can do it either by a link to the github project or in downloading fom github and import the local sources.

Second, you have to call the MultiChainJavaAPI Project : either you create and jar from MultiChainJavaAPI project and you include the jar in your project (it's the better way to do), or you directly reference MultiChainJavaAPI source code in your project.

If you have question around MultiChainJavaAPI, don't hesitate to ask here :


answered Oct 30, 2017 by Ub