504 Gateway Time-out

+1 vote


When i try to access the web demo, it gave me this error -> 504 gateway time-out

is it due to my proxy server? And in the function of web demo below

function json_rpc_send($host, $port, $user, $password, $method, $params=array())

what should i pass into the $host? it's the rpchost which is IP address of MultiChain node (my client real IP address?)


asked Mar 13, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

You don't have to pass in the parameters to json_rpc_send explicitly – just configure the web demo's config.txt file as documented in the README: https://github.com/MultiChain/multichain-web-demo

answered Mar 13, 2017 by MultiChain
I have configured as stated in the tutorial, but i still get error gateway 504, do note that my client and the web demo are not on the same network.
It sounds like an issue between your web server and user, so it's not something we can really help with. Please try setting up a simple static web page first (e.g. test.html) and see if you can retrieve that from the client.