View permissions on transactions

+1 vote

If one creates a multisign txn with Node a,b and c the transaction output is for the multisign address.

How will node b and c be able to see this transaction? Does Multichain evaluate multisign addresses into their individual public keys?

On a slightly different note: If node-A and node-B do a DVP exchange, can node-A grant permissions to node-C to see its transaction?


asked Nov 4, 2015 by senthil

1 Answer

0 votes

If you add the multisig address to the wallet on a node using addmultisigaddress then the wallet should also monitor any transactions to that address and they should show up in listtransactions.

As for the other question, the transactions are visible to everybody connected to the blockchain, so not sure what you mean by "grant permission to see a transaction". Even if they're not in listtransactions, they can be retrieved using getrawtranscation with the transaction ID (now that txindex=1 by default).

answered Nov 4, 2015 by MultiChain