user Authentication methods

+3 votes
Hello, are there methods to control user authentication like done in RDBMS such as OS based , database based or network based.

If i am running my node on a Unix/Linux box , how do i prevent any user on that box from accessing the CLI , hence the node and then running commands.

How do i set up the node in such a way that only one user on the Unix/Linux box has the ability to launch the CLI , login to the node and execute commands on the node.



asked Nov 17, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

+1 vote

You can install and run multichaind as that user, and make sure that the multichain.conf file is only readable by that user. That way no other user on the server will be able to read the password for accessing the node's API, whether using multichain-cli or any other method.

answered Nov 18, 2016 by MultiChain