Not updating blocks

+1 vote

my problem is that I ve setuo 2 miners which work on a same blockchain. But when I use the getinfo command there are always a different number of blocks. If I check the last blocks the content is also different. So my question is how do I get my two miners to have the same amount of blocks ??


best regards
asked Nov 9, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

It sounds like the two node are probably not connected to each other. You can use the getpeerinfo command to find out, then addnode to reconnect them if for some reason they became permanently disconnected.

answered Nov 10, 2016 by MultiChain
I ll try to explain the scenario. First I start the multichain core with a bitcoin style blockchain on two servers which are connected. In the begining every user is mining but when I pause the mining for a long time and then let the mining resume the blocks get not updated from the longer tree. Instead the resumed miner starts a chain were it has stopped. Is that normal ? if possible could I avoid creating a new chain an stick just to one ?

thanks in advance
You need to check whether the two node are connected after you "resume the mining" (by which I assume you mean, start up the node again). The getpeerinfo command can tell you that. If they're not connected they'll be mining different chains.