Question about awarding coin in bitcoin-style network

+1 vote
Here again with another question. I finally got two ubuntu vm's setup, both with multichain. I've got a bitcoin style network, with all permissions allowed for anyone to connect, mine, etc, and I also set it to mine without having need nodes connected. So I started it up, checked the balance, and saw the balance starting to go up after each block was solved. I then spun up my other VM, connected to the first VM, and typed getinfo and saw that it synced up with the block number very quickly. But something that I noticed on both of them was that for each block solved, each one's balance went up on BOTH of the servers. Should this be happening? My rudimentary understanding of what I've read is that whichever server solves the block gets the reward. This may be a wrong assumption on my end. But could someone explain to me why for each block solved, both see an increase in the balance? Thanks.
asked Aug 7, 2016 by woes

1 Answer

0 votes

Indeed, whoever solves the block gets the reward. Maybe there's a fork, and each is mining its own chain. If you call getpeerinfo you can check the nodes are connected. Use getblockhash to check they're on the same chain. And listwallettransactions to see the source of the funds.

answered Aug 8, 2016 by MultiChain
Here are two images. The first image is of the server where I start the chain in daemon mode, and then run `getpeerinfo` and `getblockhash`. The second image is where I connect to the chain from another node and run the same two commands. Please tell me what I'm looking for in these images.

Server image:

Node image:

Edit: I just realized that I need to enter a block number. So would I enter just block 1?
Use the most recent block number as the basis for comparing the hashes.
I'm not sure if I did something different, or if I was just misunderstanding what I was looking at, but it appears that you are right, I see different balances in each wallet. Is there a way that I can see what block got awarded to what address?
Yes, look at the miner field of the output from the getblock command.