Can you please provide me an example of "To use an approval" steps:

+1 vote

Can you please give me an example of those 4 steps?? I know the commands are given but if any demo example you can give consisting of those 4 steps would be really helpful for me. Please I request you.

In that code link it is said that first, we need to send approval, so please provide me the example where you first send approval using "sendfrom" command and then those 4 steps.
Sender address you can take :1KB85GgVgHE8fw6tMMeQ7DYS9fkY192yk8uy1V
Receiver address you can take :1MB85GgVgHE8fw6tMMeQ7DYS9fkY192yk8uy1V

asked Mar 19, 2020 by user123

1 Answer

0 votes

There are quite a lot of steps to show for all of this. Can I recommend instead that you:

  1. Work through the Getting Started guide:
  2. Work through some of the examples in the "Stage-by-stage raw transactions" section here:
  3. Work through the first example in the "One-step raw transactions" section on that same page.
At that point the documentation on Github should make a lot more sense to you, and you are welcome to ask any specific questions if you have them.
answered Mar 19, 2020 by MultiChain