getaddresses with verbose does not contain public key

+1 vote
The set up contains two separate servers running on MultiChain. I tried using the command with 1, representing true for verbose flag:

multichain-cli chain1 getaddresses 1

The response does not contain any more info other than an array object containing the P2PKH address in the wallet.

1. Is the assumption that the address is P2PKH correct? Aside from the standard base58 check, is there any other encoding check done within MultiChain?

2. Whats missing in the above instruction to retrieve the public key? Whats the best way to retrieve the public key of the address?

Alternately, I tried using the validateaddress command, which returned an object containing pubkey value. Is this the best way to go about it?

3. Can an admin node see the public keys of all addresses of all servers connected to the admin node?
asked Apr 10, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

0 votes

The syntax you should use is: getaddresses true

We'll make sure the next alpha gives an error for the wrong parameter type rather than just ignoring it.

answered Apr 10, 2016 by MultiChain