Side chains

+1 vote
Will be possible to create two chains (multichain) that work as side chains?
asked Jan 31, 2019 by anonymous

1 Answer

+1 vote
That depends very much on what kind of side chain implementation you are looking for. If you want something like assets on one chain being locked under a multisignature, and then being reissued on another chain by those parties that signed the multisignature, and then at some point being exchanged back for the asset on the original chain - then yes it's absolutely possible.

But if you're looking for the kind of side chain where one blockchain directly verifies data taken from another blockchain in order to release assets, then this is not supported directly by MultiChain. Although you could implement this kind of logic using a transaction filter in MultiChain 2.0, if you coded it yourself.
answered Jan 31, 2019 by MultiChain
Many thanks for your answer.
Where can I find some functions to use a transaction filter to connect the two multichains?
There's no standard code for this, since there's not yet a standard way to connect blockchains together. I'm afraid you would probably need to write this for yourself based on your chosen sidechains methodology.
Where can we find the list of the functions that we can use in the transaction filters?
You can use any regular JavaScript functions available in V8, apart from those that access external resources. This page provides much more information, including the list of MultiChain-specific callbacks that are available: