unconfirmed assets

+1 vote
When i am trying to create assets in multichain using issue command ,

i am getting asset-ref : NULL , and i cant use these assets.

it gives following error.

{ [Error: Unconfirmed asset: st1] code: -8 }

What is the problem?
asked Mar 17, 2016 by Unconfirmed assets

1 Answer

0 votes

An asset cannot be sent until its first issuance transaction has been confirmed. So either you didn't wait long enough for a block to be generated, or mining in your blockchain stopped at the end of the setup phase because you have mining-requires-peers set to true, but the node is not connected to any other peers. If so you can use the miningrequirespeers runtime parameter to change this behavior.

answered Mar 17, 2016 by MultiChain