How to use the dumpprivkey?(In nodejs)

+1 vote
I use that the multichain.getAddressBalances({address : userResult.addr},(err,asset) is okay

but this command ( multichain.dumpprivkey({address : userResult.addr},(err,cipherkey)) is error

error is content (multichain.dumpprivkey is not a function)

how to use the dumpprivkey?

What is the problem?
asked Dec 6, 2018 by Harry

2 Answers

0 votes
You may have to add support for this function to the library you are using, or else contact its developers for more assistance. Note also that it's quite easy to use the MultiChain API directly by sending JSON-RPC requests and parsing the output, so you may not need to use these Node.js function wrappers at all.
answered Dec 7, 2018 by MultiChain
+1 vote

I am hoping you are using multichain-node npm package, if yes then there is no function with the name "dumpprivkey". its "dumpPrivKey".

here you can have a look all the commands-

answered Dec 10, 2018 by anshuman