Welcome to the Developer Q&A for the MultiChain blockchain platform.

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+1 vote
Is there any way to rollback transaction?
asked Mar 9, 2016 by Anon

1 Answer

0 votes
Not really, and this is how blockchains work by design.
answered Mar 9, 2016 by MultiChain
the thing to consider here is the ability to declare a transaction SET, then commit the set.   just like a RDBMS.  only upon commit is the chain written.
It's an interesting idea, but not possible in the current architecture.

However you can consider expressing a very complex payment/exchange operation in a single blockchain transaction, e.g. paying from 100s of sources to 100s of destinations, all of which happen atomically, or none at all. This may achieve what you're looking for.

Take a look at the APIs: preparelockunspent, createrawtransaction, signrawtransaction, sendrawtransaction.