Steam Publication - the first time to publish a item

+1 vote


In fact this is not a question but an observation.

By trying to reproduce the tuto "Getting Started with MultiChain", part "Streams" with Multichain-2.0 alpha 4.

We get the following message: "No unspent outputs are available. Please send a transaction, with zero amount, to this node or address first and wait for its confirmation."

The message seems to be due to the fact that the second address has only "send" permission.

### Extract
Now we want the second server to be allowed to publish to the stream. On the first server:
grant 1... send
grant 1... stream1.write

The trick,
if the "receive" permission is also granted to the second address, the message disappears and the publication of an item is done without problems.

So the right command to grant permissions should be:

   grant 1... send,receive




asked Aug 23, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

Thanks for this report, but it's surprising. Is it possible you changed some of the default blockchain parameters, especially anyone-can-receive-empty?

answered Aug 23, 2018 by MultiChain