using a external address in a existing wallet

+1 vote
I use two notes in the blockchain.

On one note i have a asset which i can only see with the command listassets.

I want to see the same asset on the second node - if i ask the command listassets on the second node i can not see the asset.

Can everyone help me and can me what my mistake is? What is the right command to bring the asset to the other wallet. The result should be, that i can see the same asset in both wallets.
asked Jul 20, 2018 by Simon

1 Answer

+1 vote
Either send the asset (in a transaction) to the address that already exists in the 2nd node, or export the private key with dumpprivkey, and import it into the 2nd node.

If you just want to see the asset on the 2nd node (not be able to spend it), you can import just the public key as a watch-only-address with importaddress.
answered Jul 22, 2018 by alexb