C# wrapper MultiChainLib: Problem with connecting

+1 vote
I noticed that the C# wrapper is probably very convenient. However, up to this point i didnt manage to get a connection.

var client = new MultiChainClient("", 41458, true, "userName", "Password", "Chain")

Which parameters should I use here? Is the IP this one or should I use the one of my Linux VM? Also I noticed a lot of different port numbers in the documentation (2644, 2645, 8570, 8571).

As for the SSH (3rd parameter), should I use true or false here?

And/Or do I need to configure firewall setting in my azure environment (here I hosted my Linux VM)?
asked Jun 26, 2017 by Ivo

1 Answer

0 votes

We can't comment on the C# client which was built by a third party. But the port you need is the RPC port (default-rpc-port from the blockchain parameters unless it was overridden by the node's runtime parameters). And the IP address should be that of the node you want to connect to. To start with, use false for the secure parameter, to remove another potential source of uncertainty.

On the node side you need to ensure its rpcallowip is set to allow incoming API connections from the source (search this Q&A for rpcallowip for more details) and that the firewall on the server allows incoming connections on the RPC port.

answered Jun 26, 2017 by MultiChain