address and format Q&a

+2 votes

Hello, i have looked at your example of how to generate multichain address and private key

Based on your example on generating a private address, step 2 to step 3

  1. Start with a raw private ECDSA key:
  2. Take the corresponding public key generated with it, which can be in compressed or uncompressed format. The uncompressed version contains 65 bytes, consisting of 0x04, 32 bytes for the X coordinate and 32 bytes for the Y coordinate. The compressed version contains 33 bytes, consisting of 0x02 (Y is even) or 0x03 (Y is odd), followed by 32 bytes for the X coordinate. Below is a compressed example:
  3. Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the public key:

when i try to take 0284E5235E299AF81EBE1653AC5F06B60E13A3A81F918018CBD10CE695095B3E24 to hash on any online SHA-256 hash calculator, they gave me different answer from the one stated in step 3. Why is that so?

asked Mar 19, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

+1 vote

You are probably entering that hexadecimal string into an online SHA-256 hash calculator, instead of calculating the hash of the binary equivalent of that hexadecimal string. Try this on a command line instead:

php -r 'echo hash("sha256",hex2bin("0284E5235E299AF81EBE1653AC5F06B60E13A3A81F918018CBD10CE695095B3E24"));'

answered Mar 20, 2017 by MultiChain