Can you give me an example of this, i've tried with
[sekula@bchain1 ~]$ multichain-cli TEST grant 1Pzfo6yvFBRZtr54EBAxFjY8FMVFwz26hSpCv8 connect ["MILE"]
[sekula@bchain1 ~]$ multichain-cli TEST grant 1Pzfo6yvFBRZtr54EBAxFjY8FMVFwz26hSpCv8 connect "MILE"
But i get "Error parsing JSON" response.
Can we see these comments inside decoded transaction after we've granted permission?
If not, is there any way to add metadata to permission or address creation. The point of all this is to append some human readable message along with address so we can use it as an address identifier. From what i see, we can also use ''appendrawmetadata", but if i understood properly, we can only add it to previously created raw transaction? Sorry for multiple questions on this one, and thank you for help.