preparelockunspentfrom issue

+2 votes

I'm to perform the preparelockunspentfrom command but get the following API error:

  • (-6) Insufficient funds


{"result":null,"error":{"code":-6,"message":"Insufficient funds"},"id":"17bbc46d-79e6-47f5-bcf9-ad952234a8d4"}

Checking the address balances I have sufficient funds to perform this action.



Also used listunspent and listlockunspent and I can't figure why I can't perform the lock.







The information about the asset


Running Multichain 1.0.7

asked Jan 28, 2019 by jgodinho

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you using a native currency in your blockchain as well? If so you may have insufficient funds of that native currency in order to send the transaction that would isolate the EUR 0.1 in a separate output.

If not, I cannot immediately see the cause here and we could take a look if you're willing to send us the blockchain directory. If so, stop the node, then zip up the blockchain directory and send to multichain dot debug at gmail dot com.
answered Jan 30, 2019 by MultiChain