# Basic chain parameters chain-protocol = bitcoin # Protocol. multichain or bitcoin chain-description = The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks # Network description. This description will be embedded into genesis block coinbase transaction. # Max length - 256. chain-is-testnet = false # Controls the testnet field of JSON-RPC commands. For backwards compatibility. target-block-time = 15 # Target interval between blocks, in seconds. (10 - 86400) maximum-block-size = 1000000 # Maximal block size accepted by the network. (1000 - 1000000000) default-network-port = 8333 # Default network port. (1024 - 65535) default-rpc-port = 8332 # Default RPC port. (1024 - 65535) # Global permissions anyone-can-connect = true # Anyone can connect. Ignored if public-network=true. anyone-can-send = true # Anyone can send. anyone-can-receive = true # Anyone can receive. anyone-can-issue = true # Anyone can issue new assets. anyone-can-mine = true # Anyone can mine blocks. anyone-can-admin = true # Anyone can perform administrator actions. allow-p2sh-outputs = true # Allow P2SH scripts. allow-multisig-outputs = true # Allow MultiSig scripts. # Consensus requirements (irrelevant in a public network) setup-first-blocks = 60 # Mining diversity, admin consensus and mining-require-peers are applied starting from this block. (60 - 31536000) mining-diversity = 0.5 # Each miner has to wait * between blocks they mine. # Ignored if anyone can mine. (0 - 1000000) admin-consensus-admin = 0.5 # * are required to grant admin permission to a new address. # Ignored if anyone can admin. (0 - 1000000) admin-consensus-mine = 0.5 # * required to grant mine permission to a new address. # Ignored if anyone can admin. (0 - 1000000) mining-requires-peers = false # Blocks can be mined only by connected nodes. Ignored during the setup period # Native blockchain currency first-block-reward = 5000000000 # First block miner reward, in native currency raw units. If non-negative overrides initial-block-reward setting initial-block-reward = 5000000000 # Next block miner reward, used for reward calculation for all blocks. In native currency raw units. (0 - 1000000000000000000) reward-halving-interval = 210000 # The halving interval for miner reward, in blocks. (60 - 4294967295) reward-spendable-delay = 1 # Coinbase transaction can be spent after this amount of blocks. (0 - 100000) minimum-per-output = -1 # Minimal amount in output (anti-dust), in native currency raw units. # If set to -1 calculated using minimum-relay-fee. (-1 - 1000000000) maximum-per-output = 2100000000000000 # Maximum amount in output, in native currency raw units. (0 - 1000000000000000000) minimum-relay-fee = 1000 # Minimal fee, in native currency raw units. (0 - 1000000000) native-display-multiple = 100000000 # Number of native currency raw units in one displayed unit. (0 - 1000000000) # Advanced mining parameters skip-pow-check = false # Node doesn't check block's proof of work. pow-minimum-bits = 16 # Proof of work limit. Required number of zero bits for minimal difficulty. (1 - 32) target-adjust-freq = 1209600 # Difficulty update interval, in seconds. (3600 - 4294967295) allow-min-difficulty-blocks = false # If block was not found after 2*targetspacing it is mined with lower difficulty. # Standard transaction definitions only-accept-std-txs = true # Only standard transactions are accepted to mempool and relayed. max-std-tx-size = 100000 # Maximal size of standard transaction. (1024 - 10000000) max-std-op-return-size = 80 # Maximal size of the data after OP_RETURN. (0 - 1048576) max-std-op-drops-count = 0 # Maximal amount of OP_DROPs in the script. (0 - 100) max-std-op-drop-size = 0 # Maximal size of the script element followed by OP_DROPs. (0 - 32768) # The following parameters were generated by multichain-util. # They SHOULD NOT BE EDITED. chain-name = mybitcoin # Network name. This name should be the first argument for multichaind and multichain-cli. protocol-version = 10002 # Protocol version at the moment of network genesis. network-message-start = f9beb4d9 # Magic value indicating message origin network. First 4 bytes in every multichain message. address-pubkeyhash-version = 00 # Byte sequence used as version in address calculation. address-scripthash-version = 05 # Byte sequence used as version in address calculation for scripts. private-key-version = 80 # Byte sequence used as version in private key dumps. address-checksum-value = 00000000 # This value will be XORed with original checksum when calculating address . # The following parameters were generated by multichaind. # They SHOULD NOT BE EDITED. genesis-pubkey = [null] # Public key spending coinbase tx of genesis block. genesis-version = [null] # Genesis block version. genesis-timestamp = [null] # Genesis timestamp. genesis-nbits = [null] # nBits of genesis block. genesis-nonce = [null] # Nonce of genesis block. genesis-pubkey-hash = [null] # PubKey hash genesis coinbase. genesis-op-return-script = [null] # Script of OP return output of genesis coinbase. genesis-hash = [null] # Hash of genesis block. chain-params-hash = [null] # Hash of parameter set.