Yes, a couple of DigitalOcean or Linode servers will work fine. Below are some quick Ubuntu 16.04 instructions;
First, open a couple of tabs and SSH to both of your VPSs using your root account (ssh root@;
1. ip addr show eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2; }' | sed 's/\/.*$//' // TAKE NOTE OF LAN/WAN IPs
2. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata // SET TIME
3. adduser yourName
4. usermod -aG sudo yourName
Open a third tab for localhost and create keys;
6. ssh-copy-id root@ip.of.server // USE YOUR ROOT PASSWORD
7. ssh-copy-id yourName@ip.of.server // USE YOUR yourName PASSWORD
Return to SSH tabs;
8. sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin without-password
PasswordAuthentication no
9. sudo nano /etc/nanorc
set tempfile
set autoindent
10. export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano
11. sudo systemctl reload sshd
12. exit // LOG OUT ROOT
SSH back onto VPSs using yourName user accounts;
13. download [whatever version of] MultiChain and unzip
14. cp ~/multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util /usr/local/bin
15. multichain-util create yourChain // ONLY DO THIS ON FIRST SERVER
16. sudo nano ~/.multichain/yourChain/params.dat // ONLY DO THIS ON FIRST SERVER
setup-first-blocks=60, initial-block-reward=50, first-block-reward=10000000000
The first item above is how many blocks it will take for the rules to activate, the second item is the per block miner reward, and the third item is the pre-mining. Of course, set these to whatever values you like. Also, make sure to set the consensus requirements correctly so that blocks are mined using your first and/or second node.... see . Save and close document.
The following instructions assume you set anyone-can-connect=true as one of the global permissions in the params.dat file.
17. multichain yourChain -daemon // ONLY DO THIS ON FIRST SERVER
18. multichaind yourChain@xx.xx.xx.xx:1234 // DO THIS ON SECOND SERVER
19. multichain-cli yourChain // getinfo (
20. multichain-cli yourChain stop // TO QUIT
Otherwise, if yourChain was set to private(anyone-can-connect=false), use the instructions on this page to connect your second node;
If/when you mess up, simply stop the service as per #20, and rm -R ~/.multichain and start over again beginning from step #15.